Dear Friend,
God wants you to live and experience a good life — and it starts today with you having a confident expectation of good. Jesus came and did what He did to give you the highest form of life — God's life, "the zoe life" and for you to have it in abundance!
You may feel like you don't deserve this good life. You may feel like you have to do something to show that you are worthy of this kind of favor. We all know we've made mistakes, so we have this thought at the back of our minds that tells us that we need to be punished. In other words, we don't qualify for the good life.
Now, when you believe this, you find yourself waiting for punishment to show up in your life. And the moment something bad happens, you tell yourself, "This is judgment for my sin. I deserve this."
But Jesus came to set you free from a fearful expectation of judgment. He wants you to wake up every day not afraid of what might happen, but anticipating His goodness, mercy and superabundant grace in your life!
Beloved, because of the finished work of the cross, you DON'T "get bad" from God when you make mistakes. The reality, based on your own merits, is that you deserve none of the blessings but all of the curses that God described in Deuteronomy 28. So, when you make a mistake or have missed it, that is when you need to run to Jesus to receive from Him the grace to overcome every mistake and failing (Romans 6:14).
But because of the divine exchange that happened at the cross, you are not getting what you deserve!
In God's eyes, it's already been forever settled — you don't receive the penalty of your sin, but rather, you receive the reward of Jesus' righteousness and all the good benefits that come from it because of Christ's sacrifice at the cross.
So today my friend, you live with a decision that will affect the quality of your life:
Are you going to live with a fearful expectation of judgment? Or are you going to live with a confident expectation of good?
It's my prayer that you would experience the life Jesus has for you — the same quality of life that God experiences, "the zoe life". It's His gift to you, not because you've earned it, but because you are His beloved child. I'm praying for you and trusting that you'll receive your own revelation of this truth in your heart.
Confidently expecting the goodness of God,